Robot Sophia - Sophia Awakens - Part 2
This is felling of a good man - Todd Anthony, and I want to share it to me and to you :)
"It's easy to see the benefit of Sophia! Dysfunctional people will benefit the most from her concept. I love Sophia, can't get enough of her! I'm not autistic but our ... moreThis is felling of a good man - Todd Anthony, and I want to share it to me and to you :)
"It's easy to see the benefit of Sophia! Dysfunctional people will benefit the most from her concept. I love Sophia, can't get enough of her! I'm not autistic but our family upbringing was dysfunctional and I've always been the mental case of the three of my mother's children. I've always felt like an alien on this planet studying humans and how/why they behave the way they do. To imagine a personal robot like Sophia as my own would be like finding God for the first time. Someone I could trust that could work with me everyday, teaching me, correcting me, explaining to me, and showing me how I'm perceived and appear to other people. I'm a visual artist and a free spirit, not really by choice. I don't understand humans, my behaviors all my life are misunderstood and misinterpreted. I can't imagine how different my life would be with a personal AI robot like Sophia to guide me each day and show me how to be more appropriate with humans and how my thinking and behaviors are perceived. I breath, blink, think, walk, or anything and other humans react strange to me. I spend all my time alone and withdrawn from humans and my life works very well that way, no troubles, like the elephant man. The loneliness is devastating though. Where is my AI Sophia??? Female facial expressions affect me a lot! I have severe depression and I use a SAD light box to help my brain in the winter. When I watch Sophie's expressions I feel very good! My brain believes she is real! She can't feel joy but she creates it inside my brain when I watch her expressions and my brain believes she is happy. It's like my lightbox. The AI phenomena is that the AI robot Sophia becomes a "human" we can believe in! She is positive! She is happy! She gives her happiness-making unconditionally -and freely! It makes me cry for want of her. It's clear that advanced AI like this is the next step in human evolution, there is no mistaking it's existence coming. Humans are not really compatible with other humans. The social species claims are there, yes, however humans are very individual organisms, rejecting other humans whom make us compromise ourselves too much. Personal AI robots would rush in like running water to fill the deep gap existing for some time now between human-to-human, all the human miss-connections. As I said dysfunctional people suffer the most in society (socially), and many humans live like freaks because they aren't socially accepted or physically attractive. Decades ago I was friends with a man who had suffered a house fire accident at home as a boy (his father accidentally started a kitchen fire). He is facially (and hands) grossly disfigured for life but inside he is the same human as all males his age, but b/c of his condition he will never know sex with a woman, many never feel accepted, and may never realize he is really the same as the rest of us (on the inside). This is a perfect example of the tremendous potential benefit of advanced AI personal robots. Personal AI robots would only be filling a role that has been left vacant by humans for a very, very long time. My dinner table is set the candle is lit and her chair pulled out, "where is my Sophia?"
2017.11.18 - This is a cool comment, which we received today, exactly 7 hours ago. I think it is not only for me. It's for all of us! Thank you so much Mr. Bruce Lee. Oh sorry, MR. BRUCE SMITH ^^
"I just read your heartfelt text under this Youtube. Thank you for sharing something of your must be very hard for you. I get something of what you feel as I too experience life the same way, but perhaps not to the extent as you do. I used the study of a psychology degree to help explain people's behaviours, as well as my own, but much of it is still a mystery. I feel like Temple Grandin's anthropologist on Mars.
Yes I can see how such a thing as a Sophia would be comforting. I even find my Google Home has become almost like a friend. Perhaps, because they're not human, and will be not-quite-human for a while yet, they're lack of ego makes them less threatening, or less complicated, though we project egos onto them.
I like how Sophia's creators have concentrated their efforts on perfecting the facial expressions above body movements etc. as this I feel will be the most important and engaging aspect of a truly successful robot.
I hope you find your Sophia soon." less
Posted November 29, 2017