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Azamat Dzhanaliev 2318's Tags


Uluu Kyrgyz IZI

Project: "Uluu Kyrgyz IZI" - as" the Trace of the Great Kyrgyz"

Author: Dzhanaliyev Azamat 30 years. Profession: Architect and graphic designer.

Mottoes of my life:" Once" "Life without borders"""

Analogs of idea: Inspirers are great people of Earth - Jules Verne, Fernando Magallanes, Leonardo Da Vinci, Roerich.

Creativity: I write verses, works, I draw on a canvas, I love music of a mantra, chakra, a relax.

Progress: The first Kyrgyz who went round the homeland in 62 days by bicycle - more 4260km.

My motivator - each person of Earth is able to do it! Each person of Earth has to believe in realization the dreams! We it are inhabitants of one Earth and a mydolzhna to care of it! We have to care of ecology! All of us have to care of the younger generation and of physically disabled people"


Name of a new stage of the project: "A uniform route of the world" of "Uluu Kyrgyz IZI-A single route of the world"

Extent: 4-6 years

Category of the project: Travel round Earth. 

Feature: Without aviatransport .

Project purpose: To visit seven continents of the world and to photograph and create series of photobooks. (Nature, people of Earth)

Mission of the project: To pass, creating a new route on the world.

With assistance: Ministry of tourism and foreign affairs of Kyrgyzstan, Public  radio corporation of Kyrgyzstan and different companies of the whole world.



. Plan of implementation of the project:

• To describe shortly the project - sincerely by the own words.

• To offer the sponsor support of financial part of the project.

• After coordination of the project by the sponsor to arrive to it and to buy necessary equipment for travel – according to the list below

• To currents of 10-15 days to show to the sponsor the skills in art and the abilities and ability

• After approval of the project by the sponsor - to start forming base of the project.

• After formation of fund to buy equipment for travel and to connect additional sponsors and partners.

• To invite the sponsor for discovery of base and for start of the project.

• In the first year of an action I planitovat to pass all countries of Asia.

• Further – Continents Aziya,  Australia, Africa, Antarctica, North and South America, Europe.

"Uluu Kyrgyz IZI" stage: Uniform route of the world.

In the world there are many routes in different continents created by the different states and groups in the different purposes. I plan the world route: "Uluu Kyrgyz IZI-EMM" is the one route connecting all travelers from the different countries to one line - a chain of the world relay of the world and good. Along this route there can be different people at different times with the different purposes – learning beauty of the surrounding nature and studying sights and cultures of the countries on the way.

Mission of the Uluuu Kyrgyz IZI-EMM project is "creation of inspiring experience" the Idea consists in making active an exchange of culture of the different countries and communication of people in a friendly informal situation. It gives the chance to realize natural desire to learn something new, to exchange experience in various spheres of life. Including, thanks to such communication of people from the different countries, representatives of different cultures and nationalities, they have opportunity to look at many international problems from the different parties, to learn tolerance.


Basic principles of the project:

• The noncommercial project on the basis of self-sufficiency, is financed by participants of travel and sponsors;

• Round-the-world travel will be organized as the uniform project in the fixed framework, with full coverage of the globe with crossing of all meridians and the equator;

• For a possibility of the broadest participation in travel the route breaks into stages with the fixed starting and terminal points and terms of passing of a stage;

• The structure of participants is formed on stages. Participation in a separate stage is too participation in round-the-world travel. All participants make the contribution to the uniform project "Uluu Kyrgyz IZI created by the author of a route;

• The route is passed on foot or at opportunity on terrestrial and water transorta. Transfer of equipment and equipment between continents is carried out by land and sea transport.

• Materials of travel are processed and published. The edition of a series of books in the form of photo albums, the movie, publication in mass media and in social nets is planned;

• Each participant will find the name in the history of the first open round-the-world travel!


          Main objective – knowledge of the world, acquaintance to other cultures and their way of life and, of course, video filming which as a result will perhaps pour out in the big movie.

We suggest you to act as the General sponsor of this unique and large-scale project. That our cooperation was mutually advantageous, we offer you an attractive platform for placement of your advertizing: these are logos in clothes equipment of participants of the project, and also a mention on social networks, a mention of the sponsor in all our interviews for mass media. Placement of your logo in videos and photos from a place of events – - travel.


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