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Simple Things to Take Care of Your Skin

Taking care of your skin has become extremely important as one steps out of the house daily, exposing the skin to various harmful toxins and dust in the environment. So, it becomes important to follow some steps and commit to certain things that affect the health of the skin. So, here are some simple things that you can do to take care of your skin: (Information Credit –

1. Tailor your products according to the water – Soft water does not wash away soap well, this can result in a residue on the skin. So, if the water in your area is soft, use small amounts of cleansers. On the other hand, if you have hard water, you will need to use greater amounts of the cleanser. To ensure that the skin doesn’t go dry, use cleansers which are not meant to lather, preventing you from using too much. Choosing products that complement the type of water will help you in keeping the skin moisture balanced.

2. Remember to Detoxify – If you observe that your skin is red or bloated, you should have drinks that have anti-inflammatory properties and detoxify your body, soothing the redness. If you are having green tea, have it iced rather than having it hot. This is because hot beverages may worsen the redness. Having green tea also prevent collagen destruction which leads to the wrinkling of the skin.

3. Keep a Check on your Stress – Stress is a man’s worst enemy. It takes a toll on almost every part of the body, including your skin. Stress increases the production of hormones like cortisol in the body, making the skin oilier. It also decreases the body’s ability to fight bacteria. So, one should always indulge in activities like yoga and meditation that help in keeping the stress in check.

4. During an acne breakout, keep a tab on your dairy consumption – If you are suffering from an acne breakout, or are prone to have one, try to steer clear of dairy products. Though the exact reasons are unknown, it is believed that the natural hormones present in milk contributes to the breakout of acne. Even organic milk, instant drinks, cottage cheese and sherbet are believed to be contributors to an acne outbreak. Cutting back on dairy problems will help you in controlling acne situations.

5. Always try to Maintain Decent Air Quality – Polluted and smoky environments can initiate the release of radicals that cause damage to the skin. This can also speed up ageing of the skin. To prevent this, you should try to stay away from smoky environments or keep your skin covered when exposed to one. Also, maintain the quality of the air in your home to keep your skin from ageing. Keep changing the air filter regularly and use a fan when cooking with oil.

6. Go for a Plain Toothpaste – The tartar-control toothpaste contains added ingredients and flavours which may cause a common skin problem, perioral dermatitis. The condition is caused by ingredients like cinnamon, and appears like pimples, with redness around the mouth. Remember, if you face such an issue, refer to a dermatologist immediately. So, opt for plain toothpaste that does not contain such extra ingredients.

7. Choose your Hair Products Carefully – Hair styling products and conditioners are generally heavily filled with oils and waxes which clog pores and give rise to acne. This is more prominent in areas around the hair like the hairline, back and forehead. Even if you are extremely careful about avoiding contact with the skin, the products can run down when you wash your hair r due to sweating. So, instead of going for heavy oil or cream-based formulas, opt for water-based products. This will help in minimizing the breakouts.

8. Pay Attention to the Medicines – Many medicines like antibiotics, contraceptives and fertility drugs can cause drying of the skin and result in severe breakouts. Certain drugs even make the skin vulnerable to sun damage. If you ever notice that your skin is reacting to a certain medication, talk t your doctor to change the medicine or minimise the dosage.

9. Always Get a Sound Full Night’s Sleep – When sleeping, the skin and body’s repair mechanisms spring into action and rejuvenate your skin. On the other hand, if you are sleep deprived, you will feel stressed which will result in a release of cortisol. Thus, your skin will be prone to extensive breakouts and other skin ailments. So, always ensure to get a sound seven to eight hours’ sleep every night.


No matter what beauty routine or regime you follow, adhering to these 9 simple things will ensure that your skin is always fresh and healthy. A healthy skin will not only glow but also look younger. A younger and glowing skin will further be able to accept beauty regimes better.