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The Need for Eco-friendly Fireplaces

Traditional wood burning fireplaces have been the center of many environmental debates. It is felt that wood burning fireplaces release harmful toxins, chemicals, and other by-products into the environment, causing harm. Recently, many states, and provinces have banned wood fires on the grounds of public health concerns. To answer these worries, eco-friendly fireplaces have come into being. It allows you to enjoy the crackling and the warmth of a fireplace, without the drawbacks and the serious hazards it poses. (Information Credit –


Here is why you should opt for an eco-friendly fireplace:-


Increased Heat and Energy Efficiency

In a conventional wood-burning fireplace, some of the heat generated from the fire escapes out of the chimney, often without effectively enhancing the internal temperature of your living room. As the heat escapes, cold air sneaks inside the house, dropping the temperature of your home. This puts pressure on the furnace and the fireplace heating system and it needs to work harder to keep the house warm.

Using eco-friendly fireplaces like natural gas, propane or ethanol fireplaces eliminates most of the loss of heat from the chimney. This allows you bring more heat into the house. This also means that the fireplace will work more efficiently, requiring less fuel to operate, protecting more of our the natural resources and woods.


Reduction in Health Hazards posed by Traditional Fireplaces

Burning wood releases particulate matter into the air along with smoke and other toxins. Unfortunately, these can be easily ingested into the body. When inhaled, the smaller particles can cause various health concerns and issues and also may lead to severe respiratory issues. When released in huge quantities, the smoke and toxins will eventually cause environmental degradation in the form of smog, acid rains etc.


To eliminate the health threats to you and your loved ones, you should switch to eco-friendly fireplaces. Propane, natural gas or ethanol fireplaces reduce the harmful emissions by almost 90%. This helps in maintaining air quality both in and around your home. Reducing the toxic emissions, eco-friendly fireplaces will guarantee that you enjoy the fire without any health hazards.


Cost-Effective, Safety, and Savings

Switching from a wood burning fireplace to an eco-friendly one will help you in saving money too. Without any wastage of heat, your furnace will work more efficiently and its costs will be reduced. As your fuel will be burned more efficiently, the consumption cost of fuel will also go down. With eco-friendly fireplaces, you will ensure that the people around you are safe and also contribute to environmental health. Thus, it allows you to enjoy the warmth of a fireplace without burning a hole in your pocket.


With enhanced energy efficiency, improved air quality and less heat wastage, a green, eco-friendly fireplace is beneficial not only for you and your family, but also for the environment. Eliminating deforestation for wood and pollution by particulate matter, an eco-friendly fireplace can make a world of difference in decreasing your carbon footprint. With eco-friendly places, you can enjoy the fire, ambiance and warmth in peace without releasing toxic black clouds into the environment.